Your story matter.

Some stories bring hope and encouragement, whereas others tell of hurt and heartache. But always there will be someone out there who needs to hear the story that only you can tell.

The world would be a better place if we all shared our stories.

Only when we reveal ourselves honestly and unconditionally through a personal story can we truly belong. Stories connect us because they show us a common humanity and emphasize that we are equal and connected in our diversity. with each other. Stories foster compassion and empathy and allow us to better understand people who are different from us. Stories encourage conversation and encourage us to go into action.

Personal stories have the transformative power.

Personal stories help us develop a sense of belonging and identity; they build our self-esteem and resilience, adaptability to change. Stories tell us who we are, illuminate our hopes and dreams, and heal our sorrows and pains. They help us realize our potential, help our deepest longings grow into reality, and make life meaningful and magical.

We can only change the world one story at a time.

Each of us is an original masterpiece made up of all the stories we have experienced and those we have heard. Every part of the story - no matter how big or small - has the potential to bring light into the world. Let’s come together to make the world richer, more authentic, more loving and kind for everyone.

Let’s make your story unforgettable

  • Veš, da v sebi skrivaš zgodbo, ki jo je vredno povedati, vendar ti primanjkuje samozavesti, jasnosti in povezanosti, da bi jo upala deliti s svetom;

  • Zavedaš se, da se rajši delaš majhno in skromno in se zato zadržuješ, da bi ustvarila verodostojne vsebine, saj te je strah, kako se bodo nanje odzvali drugi;

  • V glavi imaš nešteto idej, zato neprestano dvomiš in kalkuliraš, katero zgodbo bi povedala;

  • Ne glede na to, kako samozavestno pripoveduješ svojo zgodbo, ne veš več, kaj narediti, da jo bodo opazili tudi drugi, da boš z njo pritegnila pozornost pravih ljudi in pravih priložnosti.

In today’s fast-paced digital world, it’s hard to stay true to yourself and effortlessly share your story. The world is oversaturated with content, with piles of empty messages that want to sell you everything, and people who consider themselves experts, who can only use their sweet tongue selling you empty dreams. You, who have something meaningful to say, and your knowledge and experience can firmly support your words, you remain unheard. However, you no longer want to waste time and succumb to your fears, because you know that when you finally clarify your story, success will come on its own, and allow you to grow personally and professionally.

Call me! Let’s make a plan and launch you among the stars!

My support is …


    I will help you find and arrange all those great ideas that flow through your head and connect them with the passion and dedication that runs through your veins. We will design and translate them into a charming story that is bigger and better than you can even imagine. All of this will help you become a master storyteller, turn your fears into power, and stop hiding behind the expectations of others.


    Everyone encounters fears, concerns, and reservations along the way in shaping their story that prevent them from taking steps toward achieving their goals. I will stand by your side in identifying and eliminating limiting beliefs. I will be your most loyal fan and at the same time a ruthless coach, because your success and satisfaction are most important to me.


    Because creating and positioning your story is more than just a series of words and good thoughts, I will also take you on your path through other forms of collaboration, such as NLP, journaling, bibliotherapy, and more.